I have had these pictures laying around for a while now. It was a small “restoring/getting it to match my stuff” project I did a couple of months ago. It all started with one of those frequent visits to the local thrift store, where I had seen this little kitchen scale quite a few times.
I was so loving the shape, but not the color and there for I just kept putting it back on the shelf. Then one day, we met again…and I knew exactly what I had to do, to make the scale fit my kitchen.
So I brought the little thing home, disassembled him and spray painted all the parts in a nice cream color. I taped the front of the scale, so I didn’t get any paint on the dial.
I think it turned out really well and he fits so perfectly with my kitchen colors, but the really cool thing is, he actually works.
This has been one of my favorite “old treasure find” projects.
Have a great day.
NOTE: This post was originally featured on my old blog PreciousSister, which is no longer being updated.