When looking at changing tables for the nursery, I didn’t really find anything I liked, except for awesome homemade ones. Try browsing Pinterest on this topic and you can find great ideas, but you also realize that people have some mad skills, when it comes to creating your own. It’s pretty inspiring.
I have during this whole ‘prepping for the baby’ process, tried to spend as little as possible and make what I can myself. I decided that the changing table would also be something I (mostly) made myself. So I went diggin for ideas and furniture I could use, and preferably something that I would already own and have in the house.
I found this old looking desk, that I didn’t really use. It has three drawers and is pretty wide, which will feel nice, that you have some room around the changing mat. All I needed now was some extra wall storage and some cute wall decor. Nothing I probably couldn’t find in my hubby’s workshop or around the house too.
For some simple wall storage, I used a piece of sanded wood, attached a few big clips with screws and hung in on the wall. This gave me an easy place to hang a few soft baskets, which would work perfectly for diapers, stuffed animals and burb cloths.
I bought the foam for the changing mat in a fabric store. I then sew a waterproof cover for it plus an extra fabric cover for the top. The top cover is easy to remove and wash.
The frames are some my hubby makes, and I have then added my own artwork.
I’m really looking forward to using this changing space. I feel like it’s a small workstation with lots of storage and room for baby and me. I have also placed it right next to the closet, which will give me easy access to baby’s clothes.
I hope you felt inspired to maybe create your own little changing space for you and your baby.