I love pillows, especially big soft pillows. They are just much more comfy in a couch or bed, than those little ones. But big pillows also comes with a bigger pricetag, right?. So how do we make those beautiful big pillows with all sorts of patterns, but for a smaller fraction of the price? By using kitchen towels of course. If you like to sow, this project is just for you. This tutorial involves very easy sewing, but I would recommend using a sewing machine.
First we need some materials. For one pillow you are going to need the following:
- New kitchen towels. I used two with different designs, but matching color sheme. Most kitchen towels are approximately the same size.
- Sewing machine
- Scissor
- Thread
- Pillow filling
- Ribbon
Place the towels on top of each other, front facing each other. Make sure one side (the opening for pillow filling) is lining up.
Secure with pins and sew around pillow edge. (All except for the opening). Notice that you only need to stitch the edges, since the towels already has a finished edge. If one of the towels are smaller than the other, let that side face up when sewing.
Now we need a closing mechanism at the open end of the pillow case. I chose to use ribbon, which both decorates and are an easy and cheap solution.
You’ll need 4 pieces of ribbon. Sew them on in the open end of the pillow case. Use two pieces on each side.
Flip the pillow case, insert the pillow filling and tie the ribbons.
I think this project is very affordable and manageble, and you can in no time whip up a fun selection of pillows for the couch or bed. I’m using mine on my summer couch on the terrase. Looks pretty cozy, don’t you think?